lei de incentivo ao esporte minas gerais

BRL 455.977,78
lei de incentivo ao esporte minas gerais

Discover the groundbreaking law in Minas Gerais fostering sporting innovation and empowerment, revolutionizing the state's athletic landscape.

The Law of Incentive to Sports in Minas Gerais is a transformative initiative aimed at propelling sports participation and achievement to new heights

Through tax incentives and financial support, this law has opened up unprecedented opportunities for athletes, clubs, and sporting events

The impact is felt across all levels, from grassroots initiatives to professional competitions, driving a culture of excellence and growth in the sporting domain

Minas Gerais is witnessing a renaissance in sporting prowess, with individuals and groups alike reaping the benefits of this visionary legislation

Embrace the future of sports with this exciting legislation shaping a new era of athletic success in Minas Gerais!

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